There are many different symptoms to Celiac Disease that you may not even notice before being diagnosed. Some of the symptoms that I had were:
-Constant Headaches
-Brain Fog
-Stomach Pain
-Left Side Pain
-Bumps on my forehead (not acne)
-Random rashes
-Soft teeth (always had cavities)
-Joint pain
-Weight Loss
-High eye pressure (they missed diagnosed me with Glaucoma)
-Ringing in ears
-Hair loss
-Brittle nails
-Dark circles under eyes
-Bloated (all the time)
These are only some of the symptoms. One of the tricky things about Celiac is that not everyone has the same symptoms. You may not have any symptoms at all. You could have just one of these or a combination. You could have other symptoms as well. If your head is always itchy, check your shampoo bottle for gluten (it will not have the normal wheat, rye, barley. They make it difficult and put huge words that mean the same thing as gluten). If you are constantly getting stomach pain or losing/gaining weight, please check with your doctor.
