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First college race! I am blessed to be o

Marathon of Life with Celiac

Celiac Runner

The journey I have been on has been long and challenging, but I can finally say that I am on the road to recovery.  Learning about my diagnosis of Celiac Disease was devastating for the first few months (not saying that it is easy now, it is not).  However, I have learned the tricks and tools I need to live a healthy and joyful life. That is why I am writing to you about my journey!  

God has shown me time and time again that he is faithful and he will take care of me no matter what. While suffering depression for many, many months, I had been asking God why?  Why me? Why is it that you chose me to be the 1% in 134 of people diagnosed with Celiac Disease?

It turns out that I was asking the wrong question.  Instead of asking God why this has happened. I started asking God, how can you use me to help others in this life-long situation?  

    One of the ways I believe He has put this blog on my heart is just to share my journey with others who might be going through the same thing and explain that you are not alone, Even though it seems like it at times.  Especially if you are the only person in your family who has it (I was for a little over a year). Others who do not have the same disease cannot completely synthesize with you no matter how hard they try. However, do not shut them out or get upset with them when they do try.  They are only trying to help!

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